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Little Blue Laboratory
Practice Gallery

The first step to correcting a mistake is patience. -Brian Kalin O'Connell

Going for a joyride in my new T-45! Decided to get my first good look at what the wasteland had in store for me from the safety of this old Power Armor.
Traffic on the way home. Returning to camp after my joyride was slowed by some dangerous visitors cutting me off.
Just another small pond. This place was already frightening and now there is this?! These Super Mutant monsters won't get away with this.
Defending our new home. Building our new home was interupted so many times by the storms and constant threat of attack by feral ghouls, raiders, and worse.
I'm beginning to fit in! I think I'm getting the hang of this place now, and how to survive in it. The only law here is the one you can enforce. Resolving disputes by conflict is the norm. ...this is going to be easy.
This is my wasteland now. I get to decide my own fate and that of everyone I encounter. I can remove any obstacle.